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Architectural Review Board Minutes 12/22/2008
Architectural Review Board
December 22, 2008

Chairman D. Wight called the regular meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.  Three members were seated to vote one member arrived at 7:48 p.m.


Attendant Members                                                 Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                                             Arcangela Claffey, Alternate
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member                  Kingmon Snow, Regular Member
Guy Pendleton, Vice Chairman    
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman arrived at 7:48 p.m.

Attendant Staff
Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk
        Christine Nelson, Town Planner


  • A. “Circle of Friends Montessori”  Sign
245 Boston Post Road (Map 44/Lot 10)
Business B-4 District
Applicant/Agent:  Dawn Niles

Dawn Niles of Circle of Friends Montessori school presented her proposal for a new sign to be placed on an existing sign post near the driveway entrance to the rear portion of the building on 245 Boston Post Road.  Ms. Niles shares the building with Robin’s Den an adult day care center.  There is an existing free standing sign in front of the building where Robin’s Den posts its sign.  Ms. Niles would like to use the other sign closer to her entrance for her sign.  The sign will not be illuminated.  

It is unclear if the zoning requirements allow 2 free standing signs for one building.  The free standing sign post was existing prior to Ms. Niles occupancy and the second sign post could be considered pre-existing, non-conforming.  

The board approved the sign design but would need the applicant to verify with the zoning enforcement officer if a second sign may be placed on the property.  Otherwise, the applicant will need to return for approval of a slightly different sign size and design to fit under the existing tenants sign in front of the building.  If the second sign post is approved the board would like to see plantings at the base of the sign post.  Ms. Swenson suggested “day lillys”.
MOTION  to recommend approval of the sign design as presented and approval of the sign placement if it is grandfathered and plantings are recommended at the base of the sign post.  MOVED: by Guy Pendelton; SECONDED: by Elizabeth Swenson;
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, E. Swenson;  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

  • “Edward Jones”  Signs
670 Boston Post Road (Map 37/Lot 53)
Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent:   David Hemming, CT Sign

The applicant/agent was not present at tonight’s meeting.  The board reviewed the application as submitted, however were not able to make a decision due to several questions regarding the sign post.
MOTION  to postpone the application until the next regularly scheduled meeting of January 26, 2009 at the Town Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room.  MOVED: by David Wight; SECONDED: by Guy Pendleton;  IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, E. Swenson;  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0


A.          Meeting Minutes – December 8, 2008

MOTION  to approve the minutes of December 8, 2008.  MOVED: by Elizabeth Swenson; SECONDED: by Guy Pendleton;  IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, E. Swenson;  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

           B.        Correspondence - none
  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports – none

        The Town Planner, Christine Nelson, presented information to the board in preparation of        a workshop on the Incentive Housing Zones in Old Saybrook.   The workshop is planned    for January 12, 2009.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Monday January 26, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
MOVED by G. Pendleton; SECONDED by D. Wight
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, G. Pendleton, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk